SSC Service Utility Software to Reset Epson Printers

- Work directly with CSIC in Epson Stylus printers cartridges.
- Reset or rewrite any chip using special addon device.
- Freeze internal ink counters.
- Reset internal ink counters even with empty cartridges.
- Separate cleaning of color and black heads for all Epson inkjet printers, powerful cleaning mode.
- Hot swapping of cartridges supported.
- Resetting of protection counter.
- More then 100 different Epson printers supported
Printers you can reset with SSC utility:
Epson Stylus Сolor 400/440/480 LPT/480SXU/580/600/640/660/670/680/777/740/760/ 800/850/860/880/900 / EM-900C/980/1160/1520/3000
C20 / C40 / CL-750/C41 / C42 / C43 / C44 / C45 / C46 / C47 / C48/C50/C60/C61
C62 /C63 / C64 /C65 / C66/C67 / C68 / D68/C70/C80/C82/C83 / C84/C85 / C86/C87
C88 / D88 and PE
Photo RX420 / RX425 / RX430 /RX500 / RX510/RX520/RX600 / RX610/RX620/RX700 CX3100 / CX3200/CX3500 / CX3600 / CX3650/CX3700/CX3800 / CX3810 / DX3800/CX4500 CX4600/CX4100 / CX4200 /CX4700 / CX4800/DX4200 / DX4800 /CX5100 / CX5200 /CX5300 / CX5400 CX6400 / CX6600 /CX6300 / CX6500 /CX7800 Photo /Photo EX /Photo 700 / IP-100/750 / PM-770C /780 / 790 /
PM-780C /810 / 820
Photo 820 /825 / 915/830 / 830U/870 / PM-875DC /R200 / R210/R220 / R230
R300 / R310 / Photo R320/R800 / PX-G900/R1800/R2400/890/PM-890C/PM-A700
PM-G720/PM-970C/895/ 785EPX
Photo 900 /925 / 935/ 950 / 960 / PM-950C/1200 / PM-3000C/1270 / PM-3300C/1280 / PM-3500C
Photo 1290/2000P/2100/2200 / PM-4000EPX/Pro 5000 / PM-5000C
The site:
Link Download the 4.30 version